Sorter Systems

Sort Your Products With High Technology, High Speed, 100% Accuracy!

What is the sorter system?

Sorter systems are high-capacity automatic material sorting machines used in distribution centers to sort materials and direct them to the appropriate place.

What are the benefits?

Efficiency: Sorter systems help to sort products quickly. This helps speed up business processes and increase productivity.

Accuracy: Sorter systems, thanks to their technological infrastructure, eliminate the risk of human error compared to manual processes.

Capacity: Sorter systems can sort large quantities of products in a short time. This increases the capacity of logistics centers.

Cost Advantage: Sorter systems help businesses reduce costs by increasing efficiency in business processes.

In which sectors and applications it can be used?

Sorter systems are mainly used in e-commerce, logistics and distribution centers. Sorter systems can be used in any situation where products need to be separated according to any rule or logic.

What should you pay attention to when buying?

Depending on the physical characteristics of your products (size, weight, shape, packaging) and the hourly sorting capacity you demand, the sorter system and technology you should choose will differ. In addition, when investing in a sorter, the integrator partner must have technical competence and be able to respond to the specific needs of your processes.

Why Exonsys?

There are many sorter projects that our company has designed, produced, coded and installed. In our various projects, we produced and implemented pop up, narrow belt, roll-on and tilt tray sorter from zero point. We have experience as an integrator in other sorter types such as crossbelt, shoe, split tray. We have a staff of engineers who can meet all your needs on sorters.

Sorter Types​
Crossbelt Sorter
Roll on Sorter
Split Tray Sorter
Tray Tilt Sorter
Shoe Sorter