SCADA Software

Increase the efficiency of your business in production processes with our SCADA software!

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a system used to remotely monitor and control industrial processes and infrastructure. It consists of a central computer system that connects to remote devices such as sensors, actuators, and control panels via a communication network. SCADA systems are widely used in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, transportation, and oil and gas to monitor and control processes in real-time.

Here’s how a SCADA system works:

  1. Sensors and other remote devices collect data from the monitored process or infrastructure.
  2. The data is transmitted to the central computer system via the communication network.
  3. The central computer system processes the data and displays it on a display screen or other output device.
  4. The operator or control system can use the data to monitor the status of the process or infrastructure and adjust as needed.
  5. The control system can also send commands to remote devices to adjust the process or infrastructure as needed.
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